Showing 46 Result(s)

EUMMAS Business Club

EUMMAS Business Club is a network of businesses of different sizes and industries. It offers number of benefits, such as: personal growth, professional development, networking with EUMMAS community — all are part of membership in the EUMMAS Club; possibility to build a positive image and associate your business with quality programs and high standards; promotion …

Who is Doing What: Research Review

EUMMAS Research Centers are great places for young researchers to gain experience. Our Centers are becoming recognized for their excellence in education, research, and practice. We have developed a strong and reputable network of executives, faculty, and students who work together to create value for industries and the field. The Centers provide a platform for …

Academic Consortium – Opportunities and More Opportunities

The Academic Consortium at European Marketing and Management Association at the moment comprises 20 highly ranked universities, research centers, scientific committees, editorial boards, project task groups, scientific journals, and recent publications by the network of our researchers and scientists. For me, it is a great honor and pleasure to manage the Academic Consortium and support …