Interview with Dr. Zsófia Ásványi on the newly renamed Management and Leadership MSc programme

Faculty of Business & Economics, University of Pécs

We asked Dr. Zsófia Ásványi who has been working as an assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Adult Education and HR Management, University of Pécs since 2007 – and as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Business and Economics since 201. She is also the program director of the Management and Leadership MSc programme which had just been renamed recently.

Important to note that Dr. Ásványi primary professional fields are theories and practices of national and international human resources management and labour law.

Dr. Zsófia Ásványi

  • Would you please tell us about the MSc Management and Leadership major in a nutshell? 

The former Applied Management MSc newly renamed to Management and Leadership MSc is one of our flagship programmes at Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs, and it is very special to us. The 4 semester-long full-time masters is our first and oldest international program offering general business knowledge students may utilize later in their professional careers anywhere in the world. For more than 20 years, our academic staff has been offering its best knowledge and expertise to students in a wide range of business fields covering economics, finance, marketing, consulting or HRM. Everyone can find his/her “hobby horse” in this program and at the same time experience new perspectives of businesses one never learnt before. Our second speciality is to offer students both hard-, and soft business acumen skills and in this way empower them to self-develop later in their professional lives. Our most recent development is a double degree program opportunity we offer to our students in cooperation with ESDES University in France.

  • Who would you recommend this major to and why?

This major is definitely a great start for those who wish to work later either in international or domestic businesses in the profit-, and public sector or run their own companies. Practically general business knowledge is needed everywhere where people work. What I see is that students are also very enthusiastic about the multicultural setting. Despite the huge geographical- and/or cultural distances of their home countries, during teamwork they happily share their ideas and experiences and see how much they have in common. They have active professional discussions sometimes even disputes, which is part of their learning experience.      

  • What are the most important benefits of studying applied management apart from the degree?

Being a master’s student at the Faculty of Business and Economics in Pécs is much more than receiving a degree at the end of the studies. As a university city, students see Pécs as their second homes. Rich and active cultural life, super modern dormitories and libraries plus sporting facilities help recreation after studies. Today the School itself is not only regarded as an educational institution but also as a creative network of academic staff, current students, of international and corporate specialists and of alumni in leading positions. The stimulating learning environment attracts many students to us too.

  • Would you choose to study ML for yourself and why?

Of course! First, because we open up business operation to students as a whole. We reveal how businesses work in their complexity, functional areas in interaction with each other. Second, we offer students the whole world in one classroom. They come to us from literally all parts of the world; here they learn and connect. These connections very often transform into friendships that last. Third, all professional human and physical infrastructure is provided to students to develop and establish their professional life. 

  • What is the kindest memory of yours as a teacher?

I have many! If I have to choose one, I would share with you an experience rather than a memory. A couple of years ago two students, Linda and Tshephi, from South Africa enrolled in our program. This is more than 13.000km far away from Hungary and they found themselves in the cold February of Pécs! They were silent and seemed lost at the beginning but gradually as they were approaching very well in their studies, they accommodated themselves both in the Faculty and the city. Being creative and brave, they unfold their ambitions in a variety of extra-curricular activities, too. Together with other students, they won international business competitions, established student events in cooperation with business leaders and alumni, and even joined a local band to perform live music! This is what we can offer you here: we provide the circumstances in which you may unleash your potentials!

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